If you are looking for a quality education for your children in grades Pre K - 8, contact us at (718)426-5729. We are accepting applications for 2025-2026.

Welcome to the Jackson Heights SDA School

We are a Seventh-day Adventist school located in 72-25 Woodside Ave. Woodside, NY 11377. Our faculty and staff are committed to providing quality education in a Christ-filled environment.

We invite you to find out more about our school. Call us to schedule a visit, or explore online. To see what is happening at our school you can check our calendar, news, visit our classrooms or see what our Home & School is doing.

Our school is part of the world-wide Seventh-day Adventist school network.  The Seventh-day Adventist educational system includes elementary and high schools, colleges and universities in countries around the globe.

If you are interested in receiving more information about our school click on Contact Us.  





 Our Mission & Vision

Our mission is to teach our students to love Jesus through a high-quality education with opportunities to develop their gifts to serve as Christians, leaders, and scholars for now and eternity.

“A school that provides quality education while building healthy relationships."